Taza Sabji is an Online Fresh(Taza) Vegetable and Fruits App for your daily household needs.
This Service is currently available only in Guwahati, Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru. Using this app, you can get your daily sabjis delivered at your doorstep fast and free. You will get response as soon as you place your order.
Taza Sabji App is your one stop marketplace where you can avail all your daily vegetables and fruits requirement at your fingertips.
Why Taza Sabji App
Quite Often you spend lot of time in the vegetable and fruits market and find difficulty in finding the best quality items. You more often remain unsure if the vendor provided you the good quality vegetables or fruits. This is where Taza Sabji App comes in handy for you. Taza Sabji has a dedicated and experienced people working in the back-end who make sure that only the best quality and fresh products are in the store for delivery.
This serves you three things:
You don't have to remain unsure about the quality of the products. This is ensured by our dedicated Taza Sabji Team. And most importantly, this includes the policy that In case you get any bad quality or rotten vegetables or fruits, we have a return policy. You can just return the package and you will be refunded 100%. In case you want replacement, we will take back the defective products and give you fresh products. So you just do a few clicks in the app and we will do the rest for you.
Time Saving - Taza Sabji app is an enormous time saver for you.
First the App - the app is designed in such a way that you can place your Order in the simplest of steps and with no unnecessary details or complications. Moreover, we don't collect any extra information from you to place an Order other than what is the least required to track your address so that we can provide fast delivery.
Second, your time to go to your nearby marketplace. You no longer need to waste time going to your nearby marketplaces and searching for fresh Sabjis(Vegetables). Just do the shopping at your fingertips super-fast and super-easy.
Assured Quality - Taza Sabji is one of a kind service. Because we are driven by a larger vision of providing the best and top quality vegetables and fruits. We can go to any extent to make sure this goal is served.
Come and lets be a part of this new age service.
Taza Sabji是一款可满足您日常家庭需求的在线新鲜(Taza)蔬菜和水果应用程序。
Taza Sabji应用程序是您的一站式市场,您可以在这里随时获得所有蔬菜和水果的需求。
为什么Taza Sabji App
经常,您经常在蔬菜和水果市场上花费大量时间,而在寻找最优质的产品时遇到困难。您经常不确定供应商是否为您提供了优质的蔬菜或水果。这是Taza Sabji App助您一臂之力的地方。 Taza Sabji在后端有敬业和经验丰富的人员,他们确保商店中只有最优质和最新鲜的产品才能交付。
您不必不确定产品的质量。我们敬业的Taza Sabji团队可确保这一点。最重要的是,这包括一项政策,以防万一您质量差或蔬菜或水果烂了,我们有退货政策。您只需退还包裹,即可获得100%的退款。如果您要更换,我们将退回有缺陷的产品并为您提供新鲜的产品。因此,您只需在应用程序中单击几下,剩下的事情我们就会为您完成。
节省时间-Taza Sabji应用程序为您节省了很多时间。
保证质量-Taza Sabji是其中一种服务。因为我们的愿景是提供最优质的蔬菜和水果。我们可以在任何程度上确保实现这一目标。